Lipoedema UK feels it is vital to engage in discussions about weight management to increase awareness of lipoedema diagnosis and management within the medical community. Lipoedema patients are frequently misdiagnosed as obese and women with lipoedema do find maintaining a healthy weight a big challenge. 

East Midlands Bariatric and Metabolic Institute (EMBMI) & Association for the Study of Obesity (ASO) Obesity Symposium – 18th June 2019

This event was attended by a wide range of delegates included Bariatric Surgeons, Consultants in Hepatic Medicine, Dieticians, GPs, support staff, Researchers and PhD students.

Professor Vaughn Keeley – one of Lipoedema UK’s medical advisors – arranged for Lipoedema UK to participate in this event. Professor Keeley spoke on the complex issues clinicians are experiencing in managing Lipoedema and Lymphoedema second to obesity. 

Anne Dancey, Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, spoke about skin removal after bariatric surgery, highlighting various plastic surgery techniques and options, and included lipoedema in her presentation.

At the last minute – realising the level of interest in lipoedema – the organiser asked Kate Forster from Lipoedema UK to step up and give a presentation, which she gladly did, summarising the impact of lipoedema, the work of Lipoedema UK, the Best Practice Guidelines, Differential Diagnosis and more!

We’d like to extend our thanks to Mr Sherif Awad, Bariatric Surgeon and Lead for the EMBMI and also the event organiser, who invited Lipoedema UK exhibit and asked Kate to speak. Our stand gained a lot of attention and it was a great platform and networking opportunity for Lipoedema UK, which we hope will lead to future awareness opportunities and collaborations with the medical community in obesity management.